September 2015

  • Hiding from Google

    Hiding from Google

    We had an unusual call from a client yesterday. They wanted to post something at their website and make it hard to find. This is not such an unusual goal when you have a white paper or ebook you want to swap for a visitor’s contact information. In such cases, your goal is to increase…

  • Trying Out Facebook Events

    Trying Out Facebook Events

    On the left hand side of your Facebook home page, you’ll see a link to “Events.” Click that link and you have the starting point for a campaign for any event, public or private. In this post, we’ll talk about how Facebook events can work for a business. Holding events, from training seminars to cocktail…

  • Changing Your WordPress Theme

    Changing Your WordPress Theme

    One of the great things about redesigning a WordPress website is that you can change the design completely without disturbing the content. When a traditional website gets a redesign, you will usually have to move all the content — the words, the pictures, all that — from the old website to the new one. This…

  • Loving and Hating Pop-ups

    Loving and Hating Pop-ups

    From a user’s point of view, pop-ups are terrible. They are offensively obnoxious, and have no business being on my computer. But the minute you start looking at pop-ups from a business perspective, they become instantly less repulsive. As annoying as pop-ups are, they really do get results. Does that mean you should use them…

  • Starting Your SEO Strategy

    Starting Your SEO Strategy

    In 2012, a Google survey found that 20% of Americans knew the term “SEO.” Last year, a new survey found that the number had jumped to 23%. That’s a lot of people if we count them up, but it’s not a lot of progress by percentage. Still, SEO continues to provide the highest ROI among…

  • Linkbuilding vs. Content Marketing

    Linkbuilding vs. Content Marketing

    Google uses hundreds of different factors to determine which page to show to your customers when they search for the goods and services you’re offering. Some of the factors are easily quantified — is your content too brief? is your website responsive? do you have grammatical errors in your text? do you have complete contact…