Why Does the Google Algorithm Change?

Some people hate change. You spend heaps of time and effort familiarizing yourself with something, developing your perfect methods, and then boom. Change. Now all of a sudden you’re back to square one. The Google algorithm is a case in point. It changes frequently, and every time it does, website owners get frustrated. Face it, we can’t avoid change — and sometimes it’s for the best.

Here’s why Google changes their search algorithm, and what you can do to stay ahead of the game.

Why does Google’s algorithm change?

  1. People change how they use Google Search. The way that people use search engines has evolved over the years. Google changes their algorithm to continue providing the best possible experience and best possible search results for their users.
  2. Technology changes. Google puts a lot of time into bettering technology. Obviously, there won’t be an algorithm update every time technology gets marginally better. However, if the technology leads to significantly better search results, you can expect an update.
  3. People game the system. No one wants to play with cheaters. People who exploit a loophole to improve their search rankings can negatively affect the quality of search results. In order to provide the best experience and results, Google might change their search algorithm.

Josepha explains why the Google Search algorithm changes in the video below:

Your  own personal Google Search algorithm change fallout shelter

Google Search algorithm updates are common, and they fall from the sky (or at least from Google) without warning. That doesn’t mean your website will suffer, though. Here are three things that you can do to keep your site from taking a hit.

Don’t cheat

Gaming the system might produce short term results, but the next time Google’s Search algorithm changes, you might have to start back over again. Google might even penalize your site if they deem your gaming unsavory.

If something seems a little shady or suspicious, or like you’re taking advantage of something you probably shouldn’t be taking advantage of, you probably shouldn’t do it. Be wary of companies promising instant, easy results. Good SEO takes time and effort.


As Josepha mentions in the video, sometimes your site might be negatively impacted by an algorithm change, even if you’ve never tried to take advantage of the previous algorithm. Those who game the system almost certainly feel the effects after a Google Search algorithm change, but honest, innocent bystanders might suffer, too.

The solution is to put time and effort into social media, paid search, and IRL promotions as well.

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One response to “Why Does the Google Algorithm Change?”

  1. […] (and all search engines) update their algorithm from time to time, sometimes it’s because people change how they search, to combat spam, to promote content they believe is better, and sometimes they make changes without […]

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