June 2013

  • The Tags, They are A-Changin’

    The Tags, They are A-Changin’

    The new HTML5 <hgroup> tag has been discontinued by the W3C, the web’s governing organization — somewhat behind the scenes.  Admittedly, it was on shaky ground with this whole not-fully-baked HTML5 spec we all now know and love. But the tag kind of made sense and we, like most of the web design community, started…

  • Using SEO if You Have No Competitors

    Using SEO if You Have No Competitors

    I’m writing a website for a county: pages for the assessor, the parks department, and all that. we normally check out an organization’s competitors when writing their website, and of course a county doesn’t really have competitors.  There aren’t competing coroner’s offices jousting with you for the keyword “county coroner’s office.” There’s no competing tax…

  • Website Update — Go Long!

    Website Update — Go Long!

    Long web pages are popular among web designers now (read about the “above the fold” issues) and the stacked style is downright trendy. Rocky Grove Sun Company is a local renewable energy engineering firm. We built a website for them a couple of years ago. You can see the screenshot of that build at right.…