October 2013

  • Google Analytics Academy

    Google Analytics Academy

    I’ve recently completed the Google Analytics Academy, Google’s course on analytics. Six units of video and text lessons with links to further information, with a number of tests and a couple of hands-on activities, net you this bold certificate. You can go on from here to take the Google Analytics Individual Qualification exam, which both…

  • Rethinking Linked In

    Rethinking Linked In

    Social media for business should be strategic, but my personal social media is … well, personal. I plan family vacations at Pinterest, I follow people I find interesting at Twitter, and all my friends at Facebook are people I know in the physical world. I have no goals for my use of social media beyond…

  • Retailers and the Web

    Retailers and the Web

    A lot of conversations about retail focus on technology. The omnichannel experience, showrooming, big data, social assists, and of course e-commerce — these things have changed the retail landscape forever. Retail Wire suggests that many stores are missing the point, though. The thing that will keep shoppers from ducking out to shop on their smartphones,…

  • Optimizing for Siri

    Optimizing for Siri

    Long-time client Susan Idlet at Adventure Subaru gave us a shout the other day when she found that Siri, her iPhone assistant, didn’t offer her company at the top of the results for Subarus. Google does, and she figured Siri would just be reporting what Google had to say, so why wasn’t her company at…

  • Adwords: Direct vs. Third Party?

    Adwords: Direct vs. Third Party?

    Google’s Adwords — the ads you see at the top or right of your computer screen when you use Google’s search engine — can be a very good option for many businesses. After all, your ad is shown only to people who are searching for your product and you pay only for those who click…

  • Traffic Goals for Your Website

    Traffic Goals for Your Website

    A client once told us how many visits they thought their site currently received each day. He suggested increasing that number tenfold. “Is that your goal?” I asked. “It wouldn’t be enough,” he assured me. Their desire for traffic, he said, is insatiable. He got thoughtful for a moment. “Actually, I couldn’t handle 10,000 visits…