Rebecca Haden

  • Is Google Analytics a HIPAA Threat?

    Is Google Analytics a HIPAA Threat?

    Google Analytics is not HIPAA compliant. Does that mean you should not use GA if you are subject to HIPAA? Is Google Analytics a HIPAA threat? First, let’s be clear on what it means to be HIPAA compliant. Your desk is not HIPAA compliant. Your computer is not HIPAA compliant. Neither is Google Analytics. Here’s…

  • More Keywords for Your Google Ads?

    More Keywords for Your Google Ads?

    Developing a list of keywords is the first step in plenty of digital marketing strategies, including Google ad management. But how many do you need? And should you keep adding them to your campaigns as you go along? New keywords for your Google ads can be beneficial, but if that’s your go-to strategy, take a…

  • More Spam

    More Spam

    Recently we’ve had a couple of clients reach out to us in alarm because they are seeing more spam. They see more spam comments, more spam subscriptions, and more spam emails. It’s not their imaginations. Check out some statistics: Americans received 225 billion spam texts in 2021, a 157% increase over 2021. 56.5% of all…

  • Internal Links and SEO

    Internal Links and SEO

    How are the internal links at your website? Do you have a wild jungle of links built in the days when people believed that the sheer number of links on a page was a useful metric? Do you have broken links that should take visitors to information about your goods and service, but don’t? Internal…

  • Purpose: What’s Your Website For?

    Purpose: What’s Your Website For?

    Whether you’re having your first website built, spiffing up one you’ve had for a long time, or creating a strategy to get the most out of your current website, it’s good to think occasionally about your website’s purpose. Chances are good that it does — or should do —  all three of the things described…

  • Local Search and Franchises

    Local Search and Franchises

    When we prepare to build a website for a local company, we begin by checking out the competitive landscape. One of the tools we use is Spyfu, software which shares estimates of the performance of almost every website you can think of. The main overview tool checks how your website stacks up against online competitors.…