March 2010

  • Floating Along with Your Website

    It’s the nature of my job that I’m usually working on building sites or rebuilding them. I’ve got half a dozen right now that need rewriting, several needing new content, one about to go live, and several more waiting to be built.

  • Does Your Site Work?

    Does Your Site Work?

    We got back from Spring Break last night, various family members having spent the time in different places, and we decided to have dinner delivered to us.

  • Website Misery

    Website Misery

    A recent study of small businesses found some surprising results.

  • Filter Your Google Analytics

    Filter Your Google Analytics

    I often analyze websites’ analytics for their owners or for other companies. Sometimes I analyze current websites, including their analytics, so I can improve their performance or make sure that their new site does what they need it to. Sometimes I follow clients’ analytics as part of my work with them.

  • Editing: a Dream

    Editing: a Dream

    I dreamed last night that I was editing web copy. It is possible that I had been doing that for too long yesterday; they say that dreams are the brain’s way of processing leftover stuff from the day that couldn’t get fully sorted out during waking hours. So there I was, still editing, but I…

  • Social Networking for Business: a Book Review

    Social Networking for Business: a Book Review

    Rawn Shah has written a well-researched and thorough examination of online social networking as it relates to business: Social Networking for Business: Choosing the Right Tools and Resources to Fit Your Needs.