August 2014

  • Visual Content in Social Media

    Visual Content in Social Media

    Incorporating some type of visual content is key when it comes to creating effective social media. But knowing what you need doesn’t necessarily translate into knowing what to do. If you’re working with a large budget you can hire someone to take care of visual content for you, but what if your budget won’t allow…

  • What’s So Great about Open Source?

    What’s So Great about Open Source?

    We’re WordPress fans for a number of reasons, including the user-friendly interface, the SEO-friendly nature of the CMS, and the efficiency and economy of using plug-ins. But there’s another benefit to WordPress that you might not have thought about: it’s open source. If you hear “open source” and think “free,” you’re missing the best parts.…

  • The Anniversary of Hummingbird

    The Anniversary of Hummingbird

    Last September, after causing consternation among website owners with Panda and Penguin, Google let loose a Hummingbird. While the initial responses to Panda and Penguin tended toward fury and vituperation, most site owners greeted Hummingbird with confusion. A little background, in case you’re confused right now. Google uses an algorithm, which is a step by…

  • Day 1 on Pinterest

    Day 1 on Pinterest

    I had heard of a site called Pinterest. A place where pictures of food and pictures of animals were substitutes for the real thing. A place where recipes and how-to instructions roamed free. A place where people pinned things upon boards and everyone approved. It sounded savage. I was thirsty for adventure and so decided…

  • Getting Backlinks Updated

    Getting Backlinks Updated

    High quality backlinks — links to your website from other websites — continue to be important for SEO, and longstanding links can also send traffic. Those links are valuable. However, they only work as long as the URL works. When you make changes at your website that change the web address of your page, you…

  • Turbulence at Your Website

    Turbulence at Your Website

    Think of water in a pool surrounded by rocks, with a gentle stream moving through it. It can be peaceful, moving smoothly downstream in a soothing yet apparently purposeful motion. It can be beautiful and refreshing, and it can even offer delightful surprises as a water lily catches your eye or a fish jumps playfully…