September 2013

  • Using Blog Posts to Build Authority

    Using Blog Posts to Build Authority

    Being considered an expert in your field by your peers and other media sources can pay off in increased authority for your website and opportunities for your business.  We’ve been collaborating with Sales Tax DataLINK to develop their CEO as a go-to source for information about sales tax and it’s working — he was recently…

  • Stimulus, ZMOT, and Your Brand

    Stimulus, ZMOT, and Your Brand

    The 20th century path to purchase looked like this: Consumer receives a stimulus, such as a TV ad or a magazine story, making him aware of the product. Consumer sees message, such as the TV ad, 5-12 times before taking action. Consumer goes to store to buy product (First Moment of Truth). Consumer experiences product…

  • The Appeal of the Fake

    The Appeal of the Fake

    For prices starting at $100 a month, a reputation management company in Texas offered to help companies suffering from bad online reviews. Using a combination of automated and human efforts, they explained, they could flood review sites with positive write-ups. Not reviews from actual customers, of course, but multiple accounts set up by one person,…

  • Blogging for Business: How We Do It

    Blogging for Business: How We Do It

    We all know that blogging is good for business, but actually getting the blog done is something else. We have quite a few clients who planned at some point to write their own blogs, but almost none actually do so. In fact, I can tell you the precise number of our clients who actually blog…