• Intent-based Ads vs. Keyword-based Ads

    Intent-based Ads vs. Keyword-based Ads

    If you use Google Ads, you have doubtless been encouraged to try out Performance Max ads, the intent-based ads in Google Ads. These are Google’s AI-supported ad campaigns. Google is one of the leaders for artificial intelligence and they know more about digital ads than anybody else, so it makes sense to turn to their…

  • Is Google Analytics a HIPAA Threat?

    Is Google Analytics a HIPAA Threat?

    Google Analytics is not HIPAA compliant. Does that mean you should not use GA if you are subject to HIPAA? Is Google Analytics a HIPAA threat? First, let’s be clear on what it means to be HIPAA compliant. Your desk is not HIPAA compliant. Your computer is not HIPAA compliant. Neither is Google Analytics. Here’s…

  • Finding Your Customers

    Finding Your Customers

    In general, the object of a web site is to allow your customers to find you. You make your site eminently findable with good SEO and SEM, make sure it says what you need your customers to know about you, and get on with your work. But it occasionally happens that your customers don’t actually…

  • More Keywords for Your Google Ads?

    More Keywords for Your Google Ads?

    Developing a list of keywords is the first step in plenty of digital marketing strategies, including Google ad management. But how many do you need? And should you keep adding them to your campaigns as you go along? New keywords for your Google ads can be beneficial, but if that’s your go-to strategy, take a…

  • Writing for the Second Screen

    Writing for the Second Screen

    Kyle is watching a streaming news service when he sees that 33 people in 24 states have died from vaping and legal changes are being proposed. That’s a surprise for him — and it’s confusing, too. Even though the numbers are higher than he thought, he wonders why people are focused on vaping when traditional…

  • More Spam

    More Spam

    Recently we’ve had a couple of clients reach out to us in alarm because they are seeing more spam. They see more spam comments, more spam subscriptions, and more spam emails. It’s not their imaginations. Check out some statistics: Americans received 225 billion spam texts in 2021, a 157% increase over 2021. 56.5% of all…

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