• Intent-based Ads vs. Keyword-based Ads

    Intent-based Ads vs. Keyword-based Ads

    If you use Google Ads, you have doubtless been encouraged to try out Performance Max ads, the intent-based ads in Google Ads. These are Google’s AI-supported ad campaigns. Google is one of the leaders for artificial intelligence and they know more about digital ads than anybody else, so it makes sense to turn to their…

  • Writing for the Second Screen

    Writing for the Second Screen

    Kyle is watching a streaming news service when he sees that 33 people in 24 states have died from vaping and legal changes are being proposed. That’s a surprise for him — and it’s confusing, too. Even though the numbers are higher than he thought, he wonders why people are focused on vaping when traditional…

  • Internal Links and SEO

    Internal Links and SEO

    How are the internal links at your website? Do you have a wild jungle of links built in the days when people believed that the sheer number of links on a page was a useful metric? Do you have broken links that should take visitors to information about your goods and service, but don’t? Internal…

  • Local Search and Franchises

    Local Search and Franchises

    When we prepare to build a website for a local company, we begin by checking out the competitive landscape. One of the tools we use is Spyfu, software which shares estimates of the performance of almost every website you can think of. The main overview tool checks how your website stacks up against online competitors.…

  • The Future of Search

    The Future of Search

    The Washington Post is warning that Google’s new AI search will slash website visits by 25%. The New York Times agrees. We’re not sure about that, but we do believe that the trend we’ve already reported on will continue: Google is working to keep people on the search engine results page rather than sending them…

  • Websites for Authors

    Websites for Authors

    While we work most often with health and wellness organizations, we have built quite a few websites for authors over the years. While each one has his or her own specific needs and strategies, there are some general suggestions we can make for websites for authors. Know your strengths Do you already have a fan…