• Are You Bored with Your Website?

    Are You Bored with Your Website?

    Websites need regular updating. They need fresh content on a regular basis, they need to have their code kept up to date, and they need a new look every now and then. There are plenty of good reasons to make updates, including the sheer passage of time. Here’s something that is not a good reason:…

  • Maybe You Don’t Need a New Website

    Maybe You Don’t Need a New Website

    We’ve been talking with some businesses that are mulling over a big decision: build a new website, or update their current website. It’s easy to focus on problems with your current website and assume the only solution is a rebuild. However, you might just need an update rather than a complete overhaul. One business owner…

  • Your Website: Starting from Zero

    Your Website: Starting from Zero

    Maybe you have a new website. Maybe you launched your website some time ago, but you don’t hear “I found you on Google” and you wonder whether anyone ever visits. Everyone starts from zero and it can take a while to get momentum. Read on for a step-by-step plan to build your website into a…

  • Content Marketing with Medical Keywords

    Content Marketing with Medical Keywords

    When you’re planning your content matrix for content marketing, you’ll use the keywords you’ve identified as the best ones to reach your target market. The people who need your goods and services are likely to look for specific keywords, and you will make sure that you have great content that will be likely to show…

  • Keywords and Synonyms

    Keywords and Synonyms

    A client sent an interesting question this morning: should we work on “COFA” or “compact” as a keyword? She didn’t use the terms “keywords” or “synonyms,” but she was basically asking about keywords and synonyms. There are plenty of questions to think about in these categories. Keywords, in case you’re wondering, are the words people…

  • SEO for Pediatricians

    SEO for Pediatricians

    SEO for pediatricians involves the same skills and strategies as SEO for doctors in general, but there are some special things about pediatrics websites that are worth keeping in mind. What do prospective patients call you? Pediatricians are sometimes surprised to learn what people search for when they’re looking for a doctor for their children.…