
  • Content Marketing for Retail Websites

    Content Marketing for Retail Websites

    When you do online retail sales, your content may be primarily a catalog: pictures and brief descriptions of your products. People are coming to shop with you, after all, so they just need to see the goods. Your thoughts about your online presence may be mostly about your shopping cart.

  • Friction at Your Website: Good or Bad?

    Friction at Your Website: Good or Bad?

    Friction is a key concept in transportation, but it’s also an important idea in commerce. Economist Thomas Friedman describes human contact during commerce as “friction.”

  • Pricing, User Behavior, and Your Website

    Pricing, User Behavior, and Your Website

    As consumers, we have a lot of things about prices in our heads. We have some price points stored, for one thing. These vary from one person to another, and one community to another, but they’re surprisingly fixed for each of us. For example, in my neighborhood, $15 is the price of a birthday gift…

  • Tolerance for Technological Ineptitude, part I

    Tolerance for Technological Ineptitude, part I

      I found myself in a conversation with my Freshman Comp students on the subject of people who have trouble with modern technology.