May 2010

  • What’s That Button? Using Undo at Your Blog

    What’s That Button? Using Undo at Your Blog

    If you write your own blog, you’ve probably had at least one of those awful moments when you realize that you’ve done something you didn’t want to do.

  • Giving Up Control?

    Giving Up Control?

    A client was telling me about his plans for a discussion board at his website. This is a site for a jewelry store, so he had though people could ask questions about jewelry and get expert answers. That’s a great idea.

  • Galleries for Your Website

    Galleries for Your Website

    Putting a lot of pictures at your website can destroy your design, make your page load slowly, and prevent you from using the amount of text you need to optimize your page for search and conversions. Using Flash to avoid lots of images can be even worse. Fortunately, there’s an alternative. Galleries can let you…

  • What’s That Button For? Blockquotes

    What’s That Button For? Blockquotes

    If you use a content management system (CMS) to post your blog or update your website,  there are probably buttons you’re very familiar with — and maybe also some things you haven’t taken the time to figure out.

  • Iterations


    Your web workers have their own special terminology, as workers do in any field. You should be able to ask what anything means and get a clear answer. On the other hand, some things are too complex for a quick definition, some designers are going to say, “Ummmm…” and we’re happy to help out. Do…

  • Tweet Early and Often

    Tweet Early and Often

    This isn’t really the kind of bird that tweets, but we’re not really talking just about Twitter, either. The question is, where should you be engaging in social media? The easy answer is, where your particular audience hangs out and where you’re most comfortable. But is it really that simple?