April 2014

  • Trying Out Followerwonk

    Trying Out Followerwonk

    There are lots of tools that purport to tell you your social media standing. Josepha often sends me her super-high scores at some new Twitter checker. Sure enough, when I go check, I find that I am also hot stuff on Twitter. Is it true? According to PC Mag, 44% of all Twitter accounts have…

  • Using a Landing Page Plugin

    Using a Landing Page Plugin

    Landing pages — in the sense of a sales page, not in the sense in which we use the term in Google Analytics — are an important part of online marketing. We know that the online path to purchase is a lot more complex now than it used to be, but we also want to…

  • CTAs for Nonprofits

    CTAs for Nonprofits

    Online giving, like online shopping, is increasing every year — far beyond the overall increase in giving, as this chart shows. Given the option of making donations in seconds online, internet users give in to their generous impulses. When you’re planning your nonprofit’s website, don’t overlook calls to action. Certainly you want to make it…

  • “Not Provided” now in Paid Search?

    “Not Provided” now in Paid Search?

    Google used to tell us, in Google Analytics, all the keywords people used to find our websites. We used that information to determine whether the web content we wrote was reaching the right people, to target our marketing efforts more effectively, and to get ideas for fresh content our visitors might find useful. That information…

  • Marketing to Digital Natives

    Marketing to Digital Natives

    Disney focus groups found that four and five year olds make swiping motions when talking about watching TV shows. Not because they own smart phones but because they see people using mobile devices to watch, and their  parents and older siblings share these devices with them. So, just as they turn pages to look at…

  • Finger & Dutta: “Ask, Measure, Learn”

    Finger & Dutta: “Ask, Measure, Learn”

    “Likes don’t create revenue,” an article a client sent to us today concluded, “new clients create revenue.” They were making an excellent point. “If you decide to use outside social media firms,” they said, “make sure that you focus them on getting results (leads) and not ‘likes’ or ‘impressions.’” But it’s actually not always that…