
Serving Up a Shortstack at Facebook

Shortstack is a friendly site that lets you design apps for your Facebook pages — with no coding, unless you specially want to do some coding.

We’ve shown you the basic method for making a Shortstack page for your Facebook business page. Here are a couple of examples of pages we’ve made for clients recently.

First, see the July special page we made for Team Graphics, using the Single Product template at Shortstack.


Single Product allows you to feature a large graphic — in this case, an ad Team Graphics created. A great photo of a single product or of your product in use would also work well with this page.

It’s possible to set up a product with this template to sell directly via PayPal, but we’re directing visitors back to the website, where we have an order form (sure, go ahead and shop… we’ll wait).

It’s super easy to change the configuration of your page, so you can set up a Special offer button as we did and change it to a new offer at will. You can make pages with multiple products, too, including pages that automatically rotate among products


If you use a Favorite Tab button with a general message like “Special Offer,” your customers will learn to come back and click to see what’s new — as long as something is new fairly often. You can also use images that say specifically what you’re offering and change the button when you change your offer.

For another of our clients, we wanted to include videos on their Facebook page in a way that would draw attention. This client, 8th & Walton, has a series of Saturday Morning Meeting videos featuring interviews and discussions with some mass market retail thought leaders. We used their Saturday Morning Meeting graphic for the Favorites tab button, as you can see below. Just resize any image to 111×74 pixels with your graphics program to use it.


We first made a page that showed a couple of videos with boxes under them for comments.


However, as the playlist grew, we wanted to have a spot where visitors could go to see all the videos. There are different guests each week. We use the videos in blog posts and have them at the 8th & Walton YouTube channel, as well as featuring them in social media, so there are lots of opportunities for discussion. The Facebook page offers a great way to corral all the videos so visitors can easily find the one with Jim Haworth or the one discussing Amazon Fresh.


Shortstack pages give plenty of options for Liking, sharing, and commenting, so we made sure it’s easy to talk about the videos here, too.

When planning a Shortstack page, think first about the goal you want to achieve, and then choose the template that best meets that need.

Next time, we’ll see how to create a page if none of the templates precisely suit your needs






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