July 2015

  • Got Your Tickets for WCFay?

    Got Your Tickets for WCFay?

    Do you have your tickets for WordCamp Fayetteville? The camp will begin on Friday, July 31, with a get-to-know-WordCamp party at Mermaids. Saturday has a full slate of sessions. Here are just a few: Angela Belford will be talking about how to brand your business with WordPress. Michael White will help clarify the question of…

  • Trying Out the New Notable

    Trying Out the New Notable

    We’ve been fans  (and customers) of Zurb Notable for years, so we’re excited about the new version. Notable has been our go-to tool for collaboration on design projects. But it has had a very specific use: allowing everyone to see and comment on screenshots or visual images of projects. It handled successive revisions well, but…

  • Living Through Your Phone

    Living Through Your Phone

    I’ve been doing a fair amount of traveling this summer. So far I’ve been able to visit the Grand Tetons, Yellowstone, Arches, Zion, Yosemite, Devil’s Post Pile, Death Valley, the Grand Canyon, Petrified Forest, and a number of quaint and interesting towns in between. Each destination had something astounding or impressive to offer, whether it…

  • Leaving Facebook?

    Leaving Facebook?

    Facebook has some issues for business: It is definitely “pay to play” at Facebook these days. Facebook is working on its algorithm, and it has seen that what people really want to see is stuff from their friends and families. So business pages typically only reach fans by boosting (paying for) posts. They also appear…

  • Trying Out Press This

    Trying Out Press This

    PressThis  used to be a plugin, but now it’s native to WordPress. It’s sort of like WordPress’s answer to Pinterest, since it lets you curate text, video, or other content from another website without looking like a thief. Or even feeling like a thief. WordPress has clarified this point by explaining that the goal of…

  • WordCamp Fayetteville 2015

    WordCamp Fayetteville 2015

    WordCamp Fayetteville is scheduled for July 31 through August 2, 2015, at the Reynold’s Center on the University of Arkansas campus in Fayetteville, Arkansas. This is the place to gain new skills, meet new people, and enjoy the friendly WordPress community. Both Rebecca and Josepha will be speaking, along with some favorites from previous years…