Web content

  • Finding Your Customers

    Finding Your Customers

    In general, the object of a web site is to allow your customers to find you. You make your site eminently findable with good SEO and SEM, make sure it says what you need your customers to know about you, and get on with your work. But it occasionally happens that your customers don’t actually…

  • Purpose: What’s Your Website For?

    Purpose: What’s Your Website For?

    Whether you’re having your first website built, spiffing up one you’ve had for a long time, or creating a strategy to get the most out of your current website, it’s good to think occasionally about your website’s purpose. Chances are good that it does — or should do —  all three of the things described…

  • Floating Along with Your Website

    Floating Along with Your Website

      It’s the nature of my job that I’m usually working on building sites or rebuilding them. But one of the great things about a website is that it will continue to work for you even when you’re not working on it. With you or without you, your well-designed and optimized website will do its…

  • How Long Should Your Web Content Be?

    How Long Should Your Web Content Be?

    I taught college writing for decades, so I’m very familiar with those words: “How long does it have to be?” The correct answer: “As long as it needs to be.” This is the right answer for web content, too — with a little difference. While for a research paper or an essay, the rule is…

  • Is Your Website Too Wordy?

    Is Your Website Too Wordy?

    Is your website too wordy? Can a website be too wordy? The big problem with the term “wordy” is that it means different things to different people… at different times.

  • Basic Rules for Sales Pages

    Basic Rules for Sales Pages

    Sales pages are not the same as other pages on your website. These are the pages that are supposed to sell something, and most websites have them — or should have them. Follow the basic rules for sales pages and you will see an increase in conversions. We’re not talking about the pages that have…