Once you’ve produced or paid for an article, a blog post, a video — then you own it. It’s yours. You can post it and forget it if you like, but you can also work on getting the maximum mileage from it.
Do you really own your content?
First, make sure that you actually own the content on your website.
Many doctors use websites with a library of content which can be used equally by all the thousands of subscribers. This content doesn’t really belong to you.
Check your contract if you have a blogger or freelance medical writer, too. With Haden Interactive, every piece of custom content is completely original and it belongs to you. Make sure that’s the deal with your content providers.
Now, what can you do with that content?
Here are some ideas for things to do with your web content:
- Set up a resources area at your website with your favorite pieces. Make sure to have a call to action there so you can convert browsers to buyers.
- Package your content for download in exchange for email addresses, so you can build your email marketing list.
- Offer an e-book. It can be free or you can charge for it. Either way, you can go ahead and do publicity for yourself or your company as the producer of the e-book.
- Create a print book, pamphlet, or other physical object to sell or to offer as a premium for buying your product or signing up for your service.
- Use it as the basis for other media. Your web content can be the starting point for your print ad campaign, brochure, or promotional video. Brief clips a video or sections from a white paper can be used for blog posts. Text and images you’ve used online can become posters in your brick and mortar shop or display pieces for trade shows.
- Change it up. Once the research and basic writing has been done, a piece can be adapted to different audiences and used in presentations for professional organizations or mailings to local businesses.
- Spread it around. A video can be added to your web site, but also used at company meetings, e-mailed or even physically mailed on a DVD or USB drive to prospects. An article can be placed in your waiting room or added to your newsletter.
Enhance the value of your investment by making the best use of the content you own.
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