Great Product Pages for Fourth Quarter

Google’s Holiday Shopping Intentions Survey last year found that 4 out of 5 holiday shoppers considered the internet the most useful source of information for their shopping plans, and that more window shopping took place online than on TV or in catalogs. Smartphone owners are using their phones when they shop in brick and mortar stores, too, and three quarters of shoppers look online to decide where to go and what to buy when they head out for that holiday shopping trip.

This means that it is not only ecommerce sites that need to think about their websites now in preparation for fourth quarter. Brand sites are key for physical world shoppers, too.

So how can you make sure that your product pages are doing a good job with your customers?

  • Spring for some great photos. If there was ever a time to get some professional photos of your product, this is it. Pictures of your product in use can be especially effective. While you have the photographer and the models around, include a few shots with a holiday feeling — a Christmas tree in the background, shiny papers, or wrapped presents are easy to introduce, and once you have the photos, you can easily change them out on your website and use them in your social media.
  • Rev up your product descriptions. Take a hard look at the words on the page. Are you using the manufacturer’s words, which can be found at hundreds of other sites all over the web? Are you listing specs and leaving it at that? Or are you creating active, lively, compelling descriptions of your products that will make people want to buy them — and naturally incorporating essential keywords to help the search engines offer your pages to the right people. You can guess which approach will be more effective.
  • Organize your website well. People like to shop, and your customers may enjoy browsing in a leisurely fashion among your products. That doesn’t mean they want to spend a lot of time clicking around in search of things. Make sure that your product pages are grouped in sensible ways that make it easy for people who know what they want to find the things they want — on their phones as well as on their desktops. Then add related product and popular product recommendations to make it easy for your shoppers to get lost in the pleasure of browsing. Not in your website.

Get started now, and you’ll be ready when your customers are. Need help? We’ll be happy to work with you.







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