Got Great Photos?

We’re working on a new site for a local cabin resort.

They have a lot of great photos, and Tom’s design showcases those images with slideshows (two on the homepage) and galleries and multiple images in the text.

I was talking with another photo-loving client today. Their main site is bedizened with pictures of celebrities, scantily clad women, and people having fun. He was questioning the need for a gallery at a new site they’re shooting off from their business.

Admittedly, the new business isn’t based around such photogenic things, but there is a connection. And all the people who go to the original site to look at the pictures of themselves, their friends, and the people they wish they were — I’m pretty confident that they’ll click on a Gallery tab at the offshoot site as well.

It’s like the tourist site I recently finished working on. People planning a vacation want to see pictures of the place they’re going to visit. Photos of the hotels are a must. If that means hiring a photographer, so be it. Some websites demand it.

So these are three situations in which you should focus on photos for your website:

  • You have great photos of the goods and services you offer.
  • Great photos are something your business is known for.
  • People need the information photos will provide, in order to make purchasing decisions.

Once you have great photos on your website, here are some tips for making the most of them:

  • Don’t skimp on text just because you have great photos. Search engines can’t see them, and neither can people using screen readers. Your design must include great text as well as great images.
  • Use social media like Tumblr, Pinterest, and Instagram to share the photos and draw people back to your website.
  • Change and add photos from time to time. People who come back to admire the new photos they see at your website will remember you when they need your goods and services.







2 responses to “Got Great Photos?”

  1. Jonathan Avatar

    A photograph is worth… well it’s worth a lot from what I’m told. But a virtual tour is even more valuable when showcasing these sorts of designs. There needs to be many different views and angles in the photographs. Then they will need to be uploaded to your photo editing software, and be organized carefully. Use a virtual tour website like or RealTourVision to upload your photos. Each website offers a drag-and-drop editor so that you can arrange your photos so that they flow seamlessly one from another to make it look like a real home walk-through. Save the virtual tour and recieve a URL to post on your site or listing.

  2. Rebecca Haden Avatar

    Virtual tours are terrific, and I appreciate your telling us about those tools.

    Check out the virtual tours at — with music and everything! Or the virtual tours linked at Renaissance Lesson Plans.

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